Zhejiang Honye New Materials Co., Ltd.

Prioritizing Employee Well-being and Safety in the Summer Heat

In the midst of summer, soaring temperatures and scorching heat present a challenge to everyone's physical and mental well-being. As a company deeply committed to the welfare and safety of our employees, Zhejiang Honye places utmost importance on their health and safety. We have implemented a range of thoughtful measures to ensure that employees can work comfortably and wholeheartedly even in the midst of hot weather.


Prioritizing Employee Well-being and Safety in the Summer Heat

We provide all employees with heatstroke prevention medications, including antipyretics, analgesics, and Huoxiangzhengqi water, to prevent any physical discomfort caused by high temperatures. Furthermore, we have established dedicated stations for mung bean soup and prepared refreshing beverages like cola. Equipped with freezers, these stations offer employees a delightful and cooling surprise during work breaks. Our aim is to create a working environment where employees can perform at their best.


Prioritizing Employee Well-being and Safety in the Summer Heat

Additionally, we prioritize employee health education and safety training. We organize training programs under the theme of "High Temperature Heatstroke Prevention and Safe Production." These initiatives include educating employees about heatstroke prevention and safety precautions, promoting awareness of heatstroke prevention and cooling methods, and enhancing self-protection consciousness, as well as equipping frontline employees with the skills to respond to heatstroke emergencies and assist one another.


Lastly, for job roles that involve working in high-temperature environments, we implement staggered production schedules to avoid high-intensity operations during peak heat periods. Through a scientifically designed shift system, we ensure that production tasks are completed efficiently while maximizing employee health and safety.


In this scorching summer, our company remains dedicated to the well-being of our employees, placing their physical and mental health as our top priority. We recognize that only when employees work in a healthy and safe environment can we provide our customers with superior products and services. Hence, we spare no effort in creating a comfortable and secure workplace, enabling our employees to thrive and fully utilize their talents and potential.


Prioritizing Employee Well-being and Safety in the Summer Heat

Our endeavors extend beyond the well-being of our employees; they are also aimed at delivering high-quality and reliable products and services. We firmly believe that only when employees feel content and work with enthusiasm can we achieve mutual success. We sincerely invite you to join us in creating a refreshing and enjoyable summer and together, let us forge a bright future!

Prioritizing Employee Well-being and Safety in the Summer Heat